Friday, November 20, 2009

Pink Yoplait Lids

Please send in your lids to IO for counting. Be sure to mark your package with your alumnae chapter for credit. So far there is 0 for District 16B and 0 for Province 16B!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tennessee Zeta Day

Dear Zetas, I'm thrilled to announce the speaker for 2010 Zeta Day will be Sherry Tilley past National President and current ZTAF Vice President of Philanthropy. Mrs. Tilley is a phenomenal member of Zeta Tau Alpha. I encourage all of you to save the date for this wonderful opportunity to hear her motivational speeches. I hope all of you can join in giving Mrs. Tilley a warm Tennessee welcome!
Tennessee Zeta Day Saturday
February 27th
Jackson, TN
Grant Center on the Union University Campus.
$30 per person.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

ZTA Facebook

District 16B is well represented on ZTA's Facebook Wall today.

Check it Out.

Many thanks to all the volunteers the entire month of October. Makes me so proud to be a Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae Member!

Many thanks to my ZTA friends for sending in pictures!!! Keep sending them!